Strain Theory And Serial Killers
Possible Motives Strain Theory & Psychoanalytic Theory “Murder is not about lust and it’s not about violence. It’s about possession.When you feel the last breath of life coming out of the woman, you look into her eyes. At the point, it's being God.” -Ted Bundy Theories Reasons For His Crimes Strain theory suggests that 'a gap between culturally approved goal and legitimate means of achieving them causes frustration which leads to criminal behaviour' (Adler et al., 2012). Bundy fits into this theory because he had suffered the truth of the true identity of his mother and being an illegitimate child. Brooks ending their relationship, stating he had lack of ambition, because of this strain he began his killing spree. A pivotal moment when Brooks broke up with him.
General Strain Theory And Serial Killers
We will write a custom essay sample on Trait Theories of Serial Killers or any similar. The aim of this paper is to critically analyze strain theory which is key. Durkheim’s anomie theory in the late 1800s was the basis for the Strain theory. Researches the idea of serial killers in relation to the labeling theory and. Strain theory. The study of mass and serial killers—particularly their four common fantasy scripts and related themes—has valuable implications for criminology. Female Serial Killers through a Sociological Lens. The principles of Durkheim’s Anomie Theory and Merton’s Strain Theory have. What is a “serial killer. Essays - largest database of quality sample essays and research papers on Serial Killers And Strain Theory.
He had no control over his sexual impulses and murder. The truth about his real parents. Addiction to violent pornography. Longing and obsession for stephanie brooks American Serial Killer Introduction The Victims A seemingly normal, educated man from a good family became one of the most infamous serial killers in US history.
He confessed to 36 murders, it is still unknown how many more murders he has committed or when he started his killing spree. Ted Bundy Final Interview Early Life Born November 24, 1946. Raised by his grandparents who he thought were his birth parents for many years. He resented the fact that his eldest sister is his birth mother. Adopted the last name Bundy from his step father Johnny Bundy. Expressed erratic behaviour at a young age such as speaking out loud at nothing and had rages. Download film bakugan mechtanium surge subtitle indonesia.
Preferred to be alone because he did not understand interpersonal relationships. Education Attended University of Puget before transferring to University of Washington. Attended Temple University for one semester.
Went back to University of Washington after graduating in 1972 he joined Governor Daniel J. Evans reelection campaign. In 1973, he was accepted to law school at the University of Utah.
Love Life Met Stephanie Brooks at the University of Washington. Fell in love with her during a ski trip together. Brooks did not have that same feelings for him, as he did for her. Brooks ended the relationship because of his immaturity and lack of motivation and was deemed not husband material. His victims had similar physical features to Brooks, who became his primary obsession.
Murders There is a possibility that he killed over a hundred people, not including the 36 victims found. Before getting caught, Ted had a ritual for his killings. His victims were usually women who were slim with long brown hair parted at the middle, resembling Brooks. He would lure the women to his VW Beetle his preferred vehicle. He acted injured asking for help.

Impersonated as an off duty fireman or policeman. Pretending to have car trouble and ask for help. He proceeded to hit them with a crowbar and them kidnap them and did what he pleased. Escape From Prison During recess at court he requested to visit the library to research his case. Hiding behind a bookcase he open a window and jumped from the second story. He was arrested again after six days on the run. He required a hack saw and made $500 while in prison.
Began to cut a hole in the ceiling where he crawled and made his way to the jailer's department and escaped through the front door. By the time the authorities were aware of his escape, Bundy was on his way to Chicago and booked a flight to Florida. Trial Offered a deal for 75 years. He planned to wait a few years for the evidence to become lost and disintegrate and for witnesses to die off. When he is off the radar he can file a post conviction motion to set aside a plea and to secure an acquittal. However, that guilt was overpowering and could not confess he was the killer, as a result the deal was revoked.