Prada Serial Number Lookup

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I recently had two Prada bags stolen and I was wondering if I could identify the bags based on tags in the bags and/or the authenticity cards. I was lucky that the police caught the individual who broke into our house and stole them, but the bags were not to be found. Independently, I did some research and found my bags on the website Fashionphile. The police called Fashionphile and it turns out that the person who sold the bags to the company was an associate of the individual who broke into our house. So any question about them being mine or not was pretty much obvious.
Well, Fashionphile didn't want to give back my bags because they said there was no serial number to identify that they were my bags. I do have the authenticity cards, but it looks to me that there are just generic numbers for the bag type without an actual unique serial number. So for you Prada experts, is there anyway that I can prove the bags are mine based on any numbers in them and given that I have the authenticity cards?
I have the same problem. All I could do was start Project Legacy bypassing the launcher to have access to online features, but my game is not syncing with Uplay. I bought my game directly from Ubi. I tried copy pasting my Activation Code, typing it manually, the guys at Ubi said that the key was already connected to my account but when I logged in the launcher still asked me for a key. I tried sending a ticket to ubi support but the problem was never fixed.
Fashionphile also displayed the date code of my bags on their website, but I don't see anything on the authenticity cards stating a date code. Is there any way to correlate the two? Thanks in advance! Sorry if this has been asked before, but I recently had two Prada bags stolen and I was wondering if I could identify the bags based on tags in the bags and/or the authenticity cards. I was lucky that the police caught the individual who broke into our house and stole them, but the bags were not to be found. Independently, I did some research and found my bags on the website Fashionphile.
The police called Fashionphile and it turns out that the person who sold the bags to the company was an associate of the individual who broke into our house. So any question about them being mine or not was pretty much obvious. Well, Fashionphile didn't want to give back my bags because they said there was no serial number to identify that they were my bags. I do have the authenticity cards, but it looks to me that there are just generic numbers for the bag type without an actual unique serial number. So for you Prada experts, is there anyway that I can prove the bags are mine based on any numbers in them and given that I have the authenticity cards? Fashionphile also displayed the date code of my bags on their website, but I don't see anything on the authenticity cards stating a date code. Is there any way to correlate the two?
Thanks in advance! I am so sorry to hear that happened to you. I am sorry that I can't help you with the date codes but shame on Fashionphile but shame on them for not even offering to put the bags on hold while you sort out the problem. If I were you I'd call your local law enforcement, especially if you were working with someone after the break-in and ask them to contact FP directly about the issue.
Prada Sunglasses Serial Number Search
Try to get a fax number for them and fax a statement saying that you have notified them that the goods they are selling are stolen. You need them to take the bags down ASAP before they sell. Download game nuoi ca de tien full.
How To Verify Prada Authenticity
I am so sorry to hear that happened to you. I am sorry that I can't help you with the date codes but shame on Fashionphile but shame on them for not even offering to put the bags on hold while you sort out the problem. If I were you I'd call your local law enforcement, especially if you were working with someone after the break-in and ask them to contact FP directly about the issue. Try to get a fax number for them and fax a statement saying that you have notified them that the goods they are selling are stolen. You need them to take the bags down ASAP before they sell.
Credit suisse gold bar number verification. The ingot card looks just like the ones with the legible serial numbers. Have any of you ever seen any Credit Suisse Gold bars with smudged serial numbers? There is no evidence of tampering and the ingot cards are perfectly sealed.