Mauser Rifle Serial Number Search
Mauser C-96 • • • Main Page • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NOTE - Total newbies trying to identify a gun might want to start on the Uncredited Net-trawled illustrations, most likely from A.B. Zhuk, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Handguns: Pistols and Revolvers of the World from 1870 to the Present. The M-30 at upper right has the wrong lanyard ring loop, and the serial number is in the wrong place. These pistols are collector's items.
That means that nobody now uses them as workaday guns. No military or police force anywhere is known to carry the C-96 - the last ones I've heard about were the ceremonial guards at Mao's tomb. But mention collectors, and you'll see combat a-plenty - it's the inevitable cage match between the Aristotelians and the Platonists, the 'splitters' and the 'lumpers'. Some collectors see differences everywhere - they're classic 'splitters.' And the C-96 is good material for splitters. One of the books describes and pictures some seventy distinct variations.
I've identified more. It's as bad as collecting PEZ dispensers, but more expensive. On the other hand, a historian of firearms production would note that not all variants are equal. Some sold in large numbers. Conia ykr-f 06 manual.
Spanish Mauser Serial Number Search

Grip materials, long barrels, short barrels, etc etc. Markings - serial number locations, mainly - varied widely. The safety, the extractor, and the lanyard loop didn't change much though. But The safety, the extractor, and the lanyard loop didn't change much though.
Jump to navigation Jump to search. Many imported Siamese Mausers may be inscribed with a second serial number using. Although not strictly a Mauser rifle. Turkish Mauser rifle serial number survey results. The survey form is available to input your serial numbers. The survey is necessarily focused on reworked models that have years and serial numbers in modern script. When Was My Gun Made? Firearm Dates by Serial Number. What year was your gun created? How to search for your firearm or gun date. Marlin Rifle Serial Number. Jun 08, 2010 WWII Mauser Serial Number Tracking Does anyone know of a web site or forum we a person can look up, by serial number, history on a.
Mauser Serial Numbers Database
Others were duds, and were quickly dropped. In a very real sense, the common ones are the important ones.
Mauser Rifle Serial Number
And they are the ones which approach the Platonic ideal of the Mauser - the one you'd show them when the kids ask, 'What's a C-96?' For the purposes of this site, I am going to make a break with the, ignore the rarer variants, and concentrate on the 'ordinary' guns which anyone, dedicated collector or casual shooter, is most likely to encounter. The vast majority of oddball pistol variations date from the early years of production. It didn't take the Mauser factory long to debug the design, and very soon after startup, reliable and remarkably sturdy pistols were being cranked out by the thousands. Except for an enforced hiatus at the end of World War One, the pistol stayed in continuous production for more than forty years.