Download Samp Gamemodes Rp
A place to find or release SA-MP server gamemode scripts.
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[] LVDM ( Moneygrub) Note: There are two versions of LVDM - the official one (LVDM vanilla) and one which has been edited and a lot more added in (LVDM Landgrab). As there is nothing to do in vanilla LVDM except kill and gamble, this will detail how to play the modified version (which is the most popular version anyway). As, of course, it is LVDM simply with added buildings to buy I will just show screenshots of the most important buildings that people have trouble finding. All these buildings can be found along the 'Las Ventura's Strip' and all screenshots are facing North. For more info on what to do in Landgrab, type /commands or /help as soon as you join the server. This gamemode, although it has no set world boundaries, is focused in and around Las Venturas.
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Players are free to roam all over San Andreas, but there will be little cars elsewhere (and none in some places). [] SFTDM Note: This version has not been released to the Public jet as an amx, but you can play it on Partyserver. There is nothing of real interest in this gamemode - it is a Team Deathmatch with fixed spawns for each team, and each team allready has weapons on spawn. A Gallery of spawn locations may appear here later. This gamemode, although it has no set world boundaries, is focused in and around San Fierro. At the time of writing there are no vehicles anywhere except San Fierro, but this may change in SFTDM v2.
Gamemode Samp Rpg Romania

[] LS Parachute This is a simple gamemode where what you do is up to your own imagination. There are a few helicopters and parachutes scattered around the roofs of Los Santos, and that is basically it. Some interesting things you can do in the mode would be.
Samp Gamemodes Rpg Download
• Try and parachute from a helictoper on on roof to another • Get a group of friends and try to make formations in the air • Try and see how far away from the spawnpoint you can land • Get a group of friends, pick a roof nearby, and have a competition to see who can land on it via parachuting • Have a game of 'extreme skydiving' - find somewhere with shallow water surround by land ( is an excellent example, and close to the spawn). Now, get in a helicopter and circle around the area extremely high up in the sky (way above the clouds). Now, bail out and try to land in the water - great to play with a group of friends as passengers in the heli. View an example screenshot.