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[01/14/18 18:10:10] module: dxupdate(Mar 30 2011), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6124, function: CFusion::CFusion Failed API: LoadLibraryShim() Error: (0x80070006) - The handle is invalid. -------------------- [01/14/18 18:10:10] module: dxupdate(Mar 30 2011), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 2969, function: IsMDXInUse Unable to initialize MDXCheck. -------------------- [01/14/18 18:10:10] module: dsetup32(Mar 30 2011), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed. This first one is the DXError.log 01/14/18 18:10:05: DXSetup: No command line switch 01/14/18 18:10:05: DXSetup: StartWizard() 01/14/18 18:10:07: DXSetup: CDXWSetup() 01/14/18 18:10:08: DXSetup: start installation 01/14/18 18:10:08: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 00130482 dwFlags: 02010098 01/14/18 18:10:08: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start === 01/14/18 18:10:08: dsetup32: Mar 30 2011 04:38:03 01/14/18 18:10:08: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0. Situs download subtitle indonesia. 01/14/18 18:10:08: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0 01/14/18 18:10:08: dsetup32: Installing on Windows 6.2.9200 01/14/18 18:10:08: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0 01/14/18 18:10:08: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: IsIA64(): not IA64. 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: CLR version number = 1.1.4322 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: CLR version number = 2.0.50727 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: CLR version number = 4.0.30319 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: DXCheckTrust(): C: Users MATTII~1 Desktop DirectX is trusted. 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Extracting dxupdate.dll from C: Users MATTII~1 Desktop DirectX
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Download Directx Runtime For Windows 7
01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: Extracted file C: Users Matt AppData Local Temp DX27DF.tmp dxupdate.dll from cab 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: Extracted file C: Users Matt AppData Local Temp DX27DF.tmp dxupdate.inf from cab 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: Extracted file C: Users Matt AppData Local Temp DX27DF.tmp dxupdate.cif from cab 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C: Users Matt AppData Local Temp DX27DF.tmp. 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0 01/14/18 18:10:09: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64. 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: ----- 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C: Users MATTII~1 Desktop DirectX is trusted. 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: Extracted file C: Users Matt AppData Local Temp DX27DF.tmp dxdllreg_x86.inf from cab 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version: 4.0 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: ----- 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist. 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: ----- 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist. 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: ----- 01/14/18 18:10:09: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.