Bedside Clinics In Medicine Kundu Pdf Editor
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Bedside clinics in medicine by Kundu • • • • • • • About The Author Professor Arup Kumar Kundu has been working as an internist for nearly 30 years and is renowned for his sharp clinical acumen, analytical approach and clarity of expression towards solving different problems in internal medicine. He is vibrant and innovative in his field, and has been teaching medicine to students, both undergraduates and postgraduates. He has been an examiner in different Indian Universities. He is well-known all over the country for his proficiency as an illustrious teacher in medicine. Kundu, a brilliant academician and an avid medical writer, has authored five indispensable books entitled 'Bedside Clinics in Medicine, Part I & Part II’, 'MCQs in Internal Medicine', ‘Beginner’s Guide To Clinical Medicine’ and 'Pearls in Medicine for Students'.
His ideas about ‘Pearls and Pitfalls’ in internal medicine is extra-ordinary. He is a gifted orator and has been invited as speaker / faculty in different State and National conferences. A teacher and academician by heart, he is famous for his academic achievements, clinical skills and exemplary personality. He has taken part in international symposia / seminars, and is credited with more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed indexed journals. Kundu has contributed constructive articles in National daily / weekly, interviews in AIR (All India Radio) / Doordarshan (Indian Television Network) for common people. He has written sections on online appendix of Kumar and Clark's textbook 'Clinical Medicine', in the 6th - 9th editions; he is an Indian member of International Advisory Panel of the 7th - 9th editions of the said book.
He has also contributed in API (Association of Physicians of India) textbook of Medicine, the 8th edition. Kundu, known all over as 'clinical scientist', has been conferred the fellowship of the Indian College of Physicians (FICP) and the membership of prestigious New York Academy of Sciences (USA). Kundu's name has been included in Marquis Who's Who in the World in 2014, 2015 and 2016, & Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 2016-17 from India The man who has single handedly motivated and changed thousands of students lives by his books and lectures for more than two decades Arup Kumar Kundu MD FICP MNAS Professor, Department of Medicine & In-charge, Rheumatology Division IQ City Medical College, Durgapur West Bengal, India Ex-Professor, Department of Medicine & In-charge, Rheumatology Clinic of R.G. Kar Medical College, Kolkata (Govt) N.R.S. Medical College, Kolkata (Govt) & KPC Medical College, Kolkata, India (Pvt) Email: Chapter in ‘Postgraduate Medicine’, 2009 Chapters in ‘Rheumatology: Principles and Practice’, 2010 Chapters in ‘Medicine Update’, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018 Chapter in ‘Progress in Medicine’, 2016 Chapter in ‘Manual of Rheumatology’, 5th Edition, 2017 Book – Pearls in Medicine for Students, 2nd Edition, 2016 Book – MCQs in Internal Medicine, 5th Edition, 2017 Book – Beginner’s Guide to Clinical Medicine, 1st Edition, 2018 Image Gallery With Eminent Personalities Prof.
Graham Hughes of London (Anticardiolipin antibody syndrome discoverer) in Kualalumpur APLAR conference Prof. Kumar and Dr. Clark of Kumar & Clark's 'Clinical Medicine' book-fame Prof. Paul Bacon of Birmingham (Vasculitides-fame) John A.A. Hunter, Chief Editor of Davidson's Textbook of Medicine Prof. Sukumar Mukherjee, an outstanding physician friom India Dr. Bimalin Lahiri, a legendary pulmonologist and a revered teacher from USA Prof.
Kundu Bedside Clinics In Medicine

George Nuki, the Legend of Rheumatology from University of Edinburgh Prof. Syed Atiqul Haq, a famous physician from Bangladesh With President, American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Prof. Collin Robertson of University of Edinburgh, and Editor of “Macleod’s Clinical Examination”, a renowned book on clinical Medicine Prof. Hegde, Padma Bhusan, an extra-ordinarily brilliant academician and an outstanding physician from India Prof. Schwartz of New Jersey Medical School who first described AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcoma and florid cutaneous papillomatosis Seminars, Conferences, Books, Classes & more. Adobe indesign cc 2014 serial number free download. • • • • © 2014 The Magic Book In Clinical Medicine.